SIMS WATER BOTTLESimsBottle Technology Co., Ltd.Challenge nature and embrace freedomsolid and reliable bottle
We make bottles.Why? Well, we’re a motley crew of dreamers and designers who live by a simple creed: “Do more of what you love.”​like climbing a mountain And we love designing things that make life a little bit easier and a heckuva a lot more enjoyable. We asked ourselves, with so many different kinds of water bottles out there, why do 3 out of 4 people still suffer from chronic dehydration? So we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. We created what we believe to be the finest water bottles in all the land. Water bottles designed to help you do more of what you love. So, what are you waiting for? Go forth and carpe the diem—hydrated like a boss.View More>>
Play Harder Live More.SimsBottle focuses on the development and production of high quality water bottles. We are dedicated to bringing a more diverse and richer lifestyle to a wider range of people. SIMSbottle envision our products as the synonym of quality yet exciting way of life. We hope more and more people can live healthy as they actively pursuing bigger dreams.View More>>
CUSTOMProduct perfectly meets the customer's needs.
TumblerView More
VARIOUS KINDSWater cups come in a variety of styles, materials, capacities, etc. to meet the needs and preferences of different customers.View More